Illinois Principals Association


Showing results for:

School Leader Paradigm


School Leader Networks
Aspiring School Leader Network
Launching School Leader Network
Building School Leader Network
Mastering School Leader Network
School Leader Paradigm System
School Leader Calendar
School Leader Entry Plan
School Leader Evaluation Plan
School Safety Resources
Illinois School Leader Pipeline Program
Paradigm Search
Illinois School Leader Pipeline Program
About IPA
School leadership matters . While this may seem intuitive, research has now made it very clear. Principals and their leadership teams influence student and adult performance in their schools by: ...
About IPA
Our Why School leadership matters. Our Vision Effective, sustained educational leaders for every Illinois school community.
Principal for a Day
Invite Your State/Federal Legislators Use the IPA Action Center to send an introductory email and invitation to visit your school.
Awards and Scholarships
The Horace Mann/IPA Junior High/Middle School Principal of the Year Awards program annually recognizes outstanding middle school leaders who have succeeded in providing high quality learning...
Awards and Scholarships
The Horace Mann/IPA High School Principal of the Year Awards program annually recognizes outstanding high school leaders who have succeeded in providing high quality learning opportunities for...
Illinois Principals Foundation
Help us turn the churn of school leadership 180 degrees on its axis by making a one-time donation or by joining Team 180 ($1 for every school day or $15 per month).
Apply to be a Mentor/Coach
Serving as a mentor or coach for another school leader is a rewarding experience. IPA mentors and coaches receive in-depth training and continuous support to maximize their success supporting others.
Coaching Services
All leaders must continue to develop their leadership skills so that they can be the best possible leader for their educational environment.
Mentoring & Coaching
School leaders (principals, assistant principals, deans, district office administrators, and department chairs) face unique challenges as they transition into new career roles.
ELN Leadership Courses
Below are leadership courses that have been aligned to the School Leader Paradigm under the Leadership Domains of Culture, Systems, and Learning.
ELN Micro-Credentials
About ELN Micro-Credentials Since 2017, the IPA, in conjunction with the state principals associations throughout the country, set out to create a proficiency-based system of validating a school...
School leadership matters. Common sense tells us this, but we now have plenty of research to back up this claim.
Teaching & Learning Courses
Below are teaching and learning courses that have been aligned to the School Leader Paradigm under the dimensions of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.
Hybrid Training
The IPA offers several hybrid trainings and supports that meet your needs based on the current phase of your career - ASPIRING, LAUNCHING, BUILDING, MASTERING.