The IPA Board of Directors is constitutionally charged with effectively governing the operations of the Association. The obligation to govern effectively imposes some fundamental duties on the Board:
As its primary task, the Board continually defines, re-defines and articulates Association ends to answer the recurring question- who gets what benefits for how much? Definition and articulation occur by vision casting, setting goals, and developing appropriate policy.
The Board engages in an ongoing two-way conversation with the entire membership. The purpose of the conversation is to enable the Board to hear and understand the membership’s aspirations and desires, to serve effectively as an advocate for Association improvement, and to inform the membership of the Association’s performance.
The Board employs and evaluates one person – the Executive Director- and holds that person accountable for the performance of the Association. Additionally, the Board holds the Executive Director responsible for employing and evaluating Association staff.
The Board delegates authority to the Executive Director to manage the Association and provide leadership for the staff. Such authority is communicated through written policies and goals that define operating limits and specify ends desired by the Board.
The Board constantly monitors progress toward Association ends and compliance with written Board policies.
The Board, collectively and individually, takes full responsibility for Board activity and behavior. Board deliberations and actions are limited to Board work, not staff work. The Board works not for individual benefit, rather in the best interest of the Association.